Go to http://montclair.service-now.com/.
1. Click on “ALL” on the top left.
2. Scroll down to “Catalog” and click on it.

3. Choose Request for Access.

4. Choose either “New User” or “Modify Existing User”.

5. Choose “Business Application” or “Reporting”.

6. Click the magnifying glass and choose the desired business application from the list. (i.e., Banner Registration).

7. Provide Purpose/ Justification for the request and your supervisor name and if they have approved your access.

8. Click the magnifying glass under Instance and choose the desired business application from the list. (i.e., Banner Registration Prod).

When Requesting Banner Reporting Access, you must choose the Cognos Tool in the Tools drop-down.
9. Provide the Purpose/Justification for the request, your supervisor’s name, and if they have approved your access.
10. List the Banner Roles/ Groups in the box List the Roles, Objects, Packages or Functional Areas” (See List below).
11. Click Submit.

- Once the department approver, authorizes the request, it goes to the Office of the Registrar group for approval.
- Snow ticket is then reassigned to the Information Technology Division to create access after the Office of the Registrar group approves your request.
- When all the tasks are complete, the request is marked as complete, and an email notification is sent to the requestor and all the members of the approval groups.
- If the request is not approved by any of the approval levels, then an email will be generated to the requestor, and the ticket will be closed. The requestor will need to open a new request ticket with more detailed information supporting their request and indicating supervisor approval.
Banner Business Applications Available
Banner Registration: Access is authorized by the Registrar, Aylin Solu-Brandon.
Student Academic Record Includes:
- Admissions application, letter of admission, transcripts from previous schools, transfer credit evaluation (Degreeworks)
- All records of courses taken at Montclair State–registration information and all grading, including grade changes, as well as related comments
- Registration history
- Student GPA, academic standing, majors, program, concentration, minors
- Comments related to student’s academic attendance and standing
- Student transcript
- Class rosters, enrollments
- Graduation application and degree information
- Latin honors and dean’s list information
- For the purposes of student record review as permitted per FERPA, all comments and notes posted by advisors and faculty
- Student attribute and cohort information is all information about a student connected to their record.
- Student Addresses, emails, phone numbers
Banner Cognos Reporting
- Registrar–Restricted Reports
- Registrar –University Reports